Thursday, October 17, 2024

Introduction to ArangoDB: A Multi-Model Database

 ArangoDB is an open-source database that distinguishes itself from traditional databases by supporting multiple data models—document, key-value, and graph—all within a single system. This multi-model architecture sets ArangoDB apart, allowing it to cater to various types of applications that deal with different data structures. Whether you’re building a social network, an IoT platform, or a content management system, ArangoDB can handle the unique data requirements of your application with ease.

Key Features of ArangoDB:

  • Multi-model Support: ArangoDB allows you to use documents, graphs, and key-value pairs in one unified database.
  • AQL (ArangoDB Query Language): A powerful SQL-like language used to query the database.
  • Graph Databases: It supports complex graph queries and traversal natively, making it useful for relationships between data entities.
  • ACID Transactions: Ensures consistency and safety in transactions, even in a NoSQL environment.
  • Scalability: ArangoDB is horizontally scalable, meaning you can add more machines to scale out your architecture.
  • Foxx Microservices: Built-in JavaScript-based microservice framework for developing lightweight APIs directly inside the database.
  • Joins: Unlike some NoSQL databases, ArangoDB supports efficient joins between collections.


Basic Concepts:

  • Collections: Similar to tables in SQL databases, they store documents or key-value pairs.
  • Documents: JSON-like data, where fields can contain nested arrays, objects, and other types.
  • Edges: Special collections used to define relationships between documents in graph databases.
  • Graphs: Collections of vertices (documents) and edges that represent relationships.

Why Multi-Model Databases Matter

Before we get into the specifics of ArangoDB, it’s important to understand the problem that multi-model databases solve.

Traditionally, developers have had to choose a database based on their specific use case:

Relational databases (SQL) are great for structured data and transactional consistency, but they struggle with unstructured or semi-structured data.

NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, or Couchbase are more flexible, but they often force developers into one model—such as documents or key-value pairs—limiting the range of applications they can handle efficiently.

Graph databases like Neo4j are optimized for relationship-heavy data (such as social networks or recommendation engines), but they lack support for document storage or simple key-value lookups.
Each of these database models has its strengths, but when an application needs to handle different types of data simultaneously, it creates a dilemma for developers. They are often forced to use multiple database systems, leading to complex architectures, increased operational overhead, and higher costs.

ArangoDB addresses this challenge by offering all three major data models—document, key-value, and graph—within a single system. This means you can model your data however you need without sacrificing performance or scalability.

Understanding the Key Data Models in ArangoDB

Now that we understand the benefits of multi-model databases, let’s explore the three primary data models that ArangoDB supports.

1. Document Model

ArangoDB uses JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) as its primary format for storing documents. JSON is ideal for applications dealing with semi-structured data because it is flexible and can represent complex hierarchical structures. Each document in ArangoDB is essentially a JSON object, which can contain:

  • Key-value pairs (e.g., {"name": "John", "age": 30})
  • Nested objects (e.g., {"name": "John", "address": {"city": "New York", "zip": "10001"}})
  • Arrays (e.g., {"name": "John", "phones": ["123-456-7890", "987-654-3210"]})

This flexibility makes the document model ideal for applications like content management systems, e-commerce platforms, and IoT (Internet of Things) systems where the data structure can vary from record to record.

Example: Here’s a simple example of a document in ArangoDB that represents a user:

  "_key": "user1",
  "name": "Alice Smith",
  "email": "",
  "address": {
    "street": "123 Main St",
    "city": "Springfield",
    "zip": "62704"
  "phones": ["123-456-7890", "987-654-3210"]

In this document:

The _key is a unique identifier for the document.
The name, email, and address fields are simple key-value pairs.
The address is a nested object, containing its own set of key-value pairs.
The phones field is an array of phone numbers.

2. Key-Value Model

The key-value model is the simplest form of data storage and is used when you need to store and retrieve data based on a unique key. This model is incredibly efficient for lookups, making it ideal for use cases such as caching, session management, and configurations where data access needs to be fast.

In ArangoDB, the key-value model is a subset of the document model. Each document has a unique _key field, which acts as the key in the key-value pair. For simple key-value scenarios, you can treat the document as a key-value store.

Example: To store a simple key-value pair in ArangoDB:

arangosh>{"_key": "config1", "value": "darkMode"});
Here, config1 is the key, and darkMode is the value.

To retrieve the value:

arangosh> db.myKeyValueCollection.document("config1");
This retrieves the document associated with the key config1.

3. Graph Model

One of the most powerful features of ArangoDB is its support for graph databases. Graph databases are optimized for handling highly connected data, such as social networks, recommendation systems, and fraud detection systems.

In a graph database, data is stored as vertices (nodes) and edges (relationships). ArangoDB allows you to define vertices as documents and use edges to represent the relationships between them. This makes it easy to query relationships using graph traversal algorithms.

Example: Let’s say you’re building a social network where users can follow each other. You would store users as vertices and their follow relationships as edges.

A user vertex might look like this:
  "_key": "user1",
  "name": "Alice"
An edge representing the "follows" relationship between two users might look like this:
  "_from": "users/user1",
  "_to": "users/user2",
  "relationship": "follows"
With this structure, you can easily query the graph to find all the users that Alice follows:

FOR v, e IN 1..1 OUTBOUND "users/user1" follows
This query traverses the graph and returns all the vertices (users) connected to user1 by a "follows" edge.

How ArangoDB Unifies These Models with AQL

One of the standout features of ArangoDB is that it uses a single query language—AQL (ArangoDB Query Language)—to interact with all three data models. Whether you're querying documents, performing key-value lookups, or traversing graphs, AQL allows you to work seamlessly across data models.

Example 1: Simple Document Query
Let’s say you want to retrieve all users older than 25 from the users collection:

FOR user IN users
  FILTER user.age > 25
  RETURN user
This query scans the users collection, filters out users younger than 25, and returns the rest.

Example 2: Graph Traversal
To find all users that a particular user follows, you can use the following query:

FOR v, e IN 1..1 OUTBOUND "users/user1" follows
This query performs a graph traversal, starting from user1 and following the "follows" edges to find all the users they follow.

Advantages of ArangoDB's Multi-Model Architecture

ArangoDB’s multi-model architecture offers several key advantages over traditional databases:

1. Reduced Complexity
By supporting multiple models in a single system, ArangoDB reduces the need for developers to manage multiple databases. This simplifies application architecture, as there’s no need for separate databases for documents, key-value pairs, and graph data.

2. Single Query Language
AQL provides a unified query language that works across all data models. This eliminates the need to learn different query languages for different types of databases, reducing the learning curve and development time.

3. Flexibility
ArangoDB’s flexible data model allows you to store structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data in the same system. This is particularly useful for modern applications, where the data structure is often not fixed.

4. Scalability
ArangoDB is designed to scale horizontally, meaning it can distribute data across multiple servers. This allows it to handle large-scale applications with high availability and fault tolerance.

5. Performance
Despite its flexibility, ArangoDB is optimized for performance. It offers features like indexing, caching, and sharding to ensure that queries are executed efficiently, even on large datasets.


Stay connected to learn more about arangodb.



Thursday, October 3, 2024

A Strong and Secure Password Generator Tool for Client side random strong password generation

In today's digital landscape, securing your online presence is paramount. Our Strong and Secure Password Generator is designed to create robust, unique passwords that protect your sensitive information from potential threats. Here’s a comprehensive look at the features that make our tool stand out.

Strong Password Generator


Extensive Customization Options

Our password generator provides an extensive range of customization options to meet various security requirements:

  • Password Length: Users can select a password length between 6 to 128 characters.
  • Character Types: Options include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters/symbols.
  • Ambiguous Characters: Users can choose to avoid characters like "I," "l," "1," "O," "0," which can be easily confused.
  • No Duplicates: Ensures that no character is repeated within the generated password.
  • Start with Letter: Ensures that the generated password begins with an alphabetic character.
  • Exclude Characters: Allows users to specify characters they want to exclude from their passwords.
  • Add Characters: Users can also add specific characters they want to include in their passwords.

Multiple Password Generation and Display

Our tool allows users to generate up to 100 passwords in one go. Each password is displayed separately with the following features:

  • Strength Bar: A visual indicator showing whether the password is weak, strong, or very strong.
  • Entropy Calculation: Displays the entropy value of each password, indicating its level of randomness and unpredictability.
  • Copy to Clipboard: Each password has an icon that, when clicked, copies the password to the clipboard for easy use.

Advanced Features for Enhanced Security

  • Password Strength Checking: Users can verify the strength of their passwords using our built-in strength checker.
  • Hashing and QR Code Generation: Options to hash passwords using various algorithms and generate QR codes for easy sharing.
  • Export Options: Generated passwords can be exported in multiple formats including plain text, CSV, XLSX, JSON, and PDF.

User Convenience Features

  • Copy, Export, and Print: Users can easily copy, export, and print their generated passwords for future reference.
  • Social Media Sharing: Options to share passwords securely via social media platforms.

Feedback and Suggestions

We value user feedback and continuously strive to improve our tool. Users can provide their feedback and suggestions directly through the tool, helping us enhance its functionality.

Why Choose

At, we prioritize your online security. Our tool is designed to offer:

  • Flexibility: Tailor your passwords to meet specific needs and security requirements.
  • Convenience: Generate, copy, export, and print passwords effortlessly.
  • Security: Our advanced features ensure that your passwords are not only strong but also highly secure.
  • User-Centric Design: We continuously incorporate user feedback to improve the tool, ensuring it meets your evolving needs.

Try our Strong and Secure Password Generator today and take the first step towards safeguarding your digital life.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

How to copy MySQL data from one database to another database in .net core?

MySQL backup and restore some times become hack-trick task because of unnecessary lines on code generated when exporting data from mysql workbench in individual file for tables. It becomes harder if there are large number of tables.

Following is a sample console application that will copy data from a source database table and bulk insert to a destination database table. It loops through all tables and perform the data transfer of all tables.

Install MySQLConnection nuget package.

using MySqlConnector;
using System.Data;

string schemaName = "db_dev";
string sourceConnectionString = "server=srchost;user id=admin;password=mypwd;persistsecurityinfo=True;database=db_dev;";
string destinationConnectionString = "server=desthost;user id=myadmin;password=mypass;persistsecurityinfo=True;database=destdb_dev;AllowLoadLocalInfile=true;";

int i = 0;
using (MySqlConnection sourceConnection = new MySqlConnection(sourceConnectionString))

    // Get the list of tables in the source database
    DataTable tables = sourceConnection.GetSchema("Tables");
    DataTable filteredRows = tables.Select($"TABLE_SCHEMA = '{schemaName}'").CopyToDataTable();
    foreach (DataRow row in filteredRows.Rows)
        string tableName = row[2].ToString();
        int dataCount = Convert.ToInt32(row[7].ToString());
        // Read data from the source table
        string selectQuery = $"SELECT * FROM `{schemaName}`.`{tableName}`";
        MySqlCommand selectCommand = new MySqlCommand(selectQuery, sourceConnection);
        if (dataCount > 0 && i>=0)
            using (MySqlDataReader reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader())
                var rows = reader.HasRows;
                using (MySqlConnection destinationConnection = new MySqlConnection(destinationConnectionString))

                    // Prepare the bulk insert command
                    using (MySqlTransaction transaction = destinationConnection.BeginTransaction())
                        MySqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new MySqlBulkCopy(destinationConnection, transaction);
                        bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = tableName;
                            // Bulk insert data into the destination table
                            Console.WriteLine($"Data from table {tableName} has been successfully transferred." +i.ToString());
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Error transferring data from table {tableName}: {ex.Message}");

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");










Saturday, July 13, 2024

OpenSSH vs. Other SSH Clients: Which One is Right for You?

OpenSSH vs. Other SSH Clients: Which One is Right for You?

Choosing the right SSH client is essential for secure and efficient remote access. This article compares OpenSSH with other popular SSH clients to help you decide which one suits your needs.



  • Cross-platform (Unix, Linux, macOS, Windows)
  • Built-in on most Unix-like systems
  • Extensive features and customization options


  • Command-line interface may be challenging for beginners



  • Free and open-source
  • Simple GUI interface
  • Widely used on Windows


  • Limited to Windows (native)



  • Advanced terminal for Windows
  • Embedded X server
  • Rich set of networking tools


  • Free version has limited features



  • Cross-platform (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Advanced features and customization
  • Robust security options


  • Commercial software (requires purchase)

Comparison Table

Feature OpenSSH PuTTY MobaXterm SecureCRT
Platform Cross-platform Windows Windows Cross-platform
Key Management Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scripting Support Yes Limited Yes Yes
GUI No Yes Yes Yes


  • OpenSSH is ideal for users comfortable with command-line interfaces and those who need cross-platform compatibility.
  • PuTTY is suitable for Windows users looking for a simple, free SSH client.
  • MobaXterm offers advanced features for Windows users needing an all-in-one networking tool.
  • SecureCRT is a premium option for users seeking advanced features and cross-platform support.

Choose the SSH client that best fits your requirements based on your operating system, feature needs, and user experience preferences.

Automating Tasks with OpenSSH: Using SSH for Scripts and Remote Commands

Automating Tasks with OpenSSH: Using SSH for Scripts and Remote Commands

Automation is key to efficient system administration. OpenSSH allows you to automate tasks by executing commands and scripts remotely. This guide covers the basics of using SSH for automation.

Using SSH in Scripts

You can execute remote commands within a shell script using SSH. Here’s an example script:

#!/bin/bash # Script to check disk usage on a remote server ssh user@hostname 'df -h'

Make the script executable:

chmod +x

Run the script:


Automating with Cron Jobs

You can schedule scripts to run automatically using cron jobs. Edit your crontab file:

crontab -e

Add a cron job to run your script at a specific time. For example, to run the script every day at 3 AM:

0 3 * * * /path/to/

Example: Backing Up Files with SCP

Automate file backups using scp within a script:

#!/bin/bash # Script to backup files to a remote server scp /path/to/local/file user@hostname:/path/to/remote/backup/

Schedule the backup script with a cron job:

0 2 * * * /path/to/

Using SSH Keys for Automation

For automation scripts to run without user intervention, use SSH keys for passwordless authentication. Generate an SSH key pair and copy the public key to the remote server.

By leveraging SSH in scripts and automating tasks with cron jobs, you can streamline your system administration workflows and improve efficiency.

Setting Up SSH Key-Based Authentication in OpenSSH

Setting Up SSH Key-Based Authentication in OpenSSH

SSH key-based authentication is a more secure alternative to password authentication. This guide will walk you through setting up SSH key-based authentication in OpenSSH.

Step 1: Generate SSH Key Pair

Generate an SSH key pair on your local machine.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

This command creates a public key ( and a private key (id_rsa) in the ~/.ssh directory.

Step 2: Copy Public Key to Remote Server

Copy your public key to the remote server.

ssh-copy-id user@hostname

This command adds your public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote server.

Step 3: Verify SSH Key Authentication

Attempt to log in to the remote server using SSH key authentication.

ssh user@hostname

If successful, you will not be prompted for a password.

Step 4: Disable Password Authentication

For added security, disable password authentication by editing the SSH configuration file on the remote server.

sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config PasswordAuthentication no

Restart the SSH service to apply the changes.

sudo service ssh restart

By following these steps, you can set up SSH key-based authentication, enhancing the security of your SSH connections.

How to Secure Your Server with OpenSSH: Best Practices

How to Secure Your Server with OpenSSH: Best Practices

Securing your server with OpenSSH is crucial to prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive data. Here are some best practices for enhancing OpenSSH security.

1. Disable Root Login

Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and set PermitRootLogin no to disable root login.

sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config PermitRootLogin no

2. Use SSH Keys

Disable password authentication and use SSH keys for authentication.

PasswordAuthentication no

Generate SSH keys:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

3. Change Default Port

Change the default SSH port from 22 to a custom port.

Port 2222

4. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Implement two-factor authentication using tools like Google Authenticator.

5. Limit User Access

Restrict SSH access to specific users.

AllowUsers user1 user2

6. Use a Firewall

Configure a firewall to allow only necessary traffic. For example, using UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall):

sudo ufw allow 2222/tcp sudo ufw enable

7. Keep OpenSSH Updated

Regularly update OpenSSH to ensure you have the latest security patches.

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade openssh-server

Implementing these best practices will significantly enhance the security of your server, making it more resistant to unauthorized access and attacks.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Top 10 OpenSSH Commands Every Administrator Should Know


Top 10 OpenSSH Commands Every Administrator Should Know

OpenSSH commands are essential for system administrators to manage servers efficiently and securely. Here are the top 10 OpenSSH commands every administrator should know.

1. ssh

The ssh command is used to connect to a remote host.

bash: ssh user@hostname

2. scp

scp (secure copy) is used to transfer files between hosts.

bash: scp file.txt user@remote:/path/to/destination


3. sftp

sftp (Secure File Transfer Protocol) allows you to transfer files securely.

bash: sftp user@hostname


4. ssh-keygen

ssh-keygen is used to generate SSH key pairs for secure authentication.

bash:  ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

5. ssh-copy-id

ssh-copy-id copies your public key to a remote host for key-based authentication.

bash: ssh-copy-id user@hostname


6. sshd

sshd is the OpenSSH server daemon that listens for incoming SSH connections.

bash: sudo service sshd start


7. ssh-agent

ssh-agent is used to hold private keys used for public key authentication.

bash: eval $(ssh-agent -s)


8. ssh-add

ssh-add adds private key identities to the authentication agent.

bash: ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa


9. ssh-config

ssh-config allows you to customize your SSH client configuration.

bash: vim ~/.ssh/config

10. sshfs

sshfs is used to mount remote filesystems over SSH.

bash: sshfs user@hostname:/remote/path /local/mount/point


These commands are fundamental tools for any system administrator, 
providing essential functionality for secure and efficient server management.



Getting Started with OpenSSH: A Beginner's Guide

Getting Started with OpenSSH: A Beginner's Guide

OpenSSH (Open Secure Shell) is a suite of tools used to secure network communications via encrypted connections. This guide will help beginners get started with OpenSSH, covering installation, basic commands, and setup.

What is OpenSSH?

OpenSSH is a powerful suite of tools that allows for secure remote login and other secure network services over an insecure network. It encrypts all traffic to eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other attacks.

Installing OpenSSH

To install OpenSSH on a Unix-like system, you can use your package manager. For example, on Ubuntu or Debian, use the following command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openssh-server


For CentOS or Fedora:

sudo yum install openssh-server

On macOS, OpenSSH is included by default.


Basic OpenSSH Commands

  1. ssh: Connect to a remote server.
    ssh user@hostname
  2. scp: Copy files securely between hosts.
    scp file.txt user@remote:/path/to/destination
  3. sftp: Secure File Transfer Protocol.
    sftp user@hostname

Configuring OpenSSH

After installation, you can start the OpenSSH service using:

sudo service ssh start


To configure OpenSSH, edit the configuration file:

sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config


Here, you can change settings such as the default port, disable root login, and more.


Example SSH Connection

To connect to a remote server, use:

ssh user@hostname

Replace user with your username and hostname with the server's address.


OpenSSH is a robust tool that is essential for secure network communications. This beginner's guide should help you get started with installing, configuring, and using OpenSSH.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

How to implement server side paging query in ArangoDB database


While reading data from arangodb database if you have large dataset returned from your query result you will be unable to read data from arangodb. In this case you have to use limit operation to limit results in you dataset.  The LIMIT operation allows you to reduce the number of results.


Syntax: Two general forms of LIMIT are:

LIMIT count
LIMIT offset, count


Example query:

For a1 IN Asset_Envelop
 FILTER a1.updatedDate<@a1_updatedDate
 LIMIT 0, 100
 RETURN {"assetid":a1.`assetId`, "assetcategorylevel2":a1.`assetCategoryLevel2`, "assetcategorylevel3":a1.`assetCategoryLevel3`, "modelid":a1.`modelId`, "serialno":a1.`serialNo`, "manufacturer":a1.`

manufacturer`, "assetcategorylevel4":a1.`assetCategoryLevel4`, "locationid":a1.`locationId`, "thirdpartyid":a1.`thirdPartyId`, "measureid":a1.`measureId`, "inventoryyear":a1.`inventoryYear`, "manufacturedate":a1.`manufactureDate`, "location":a1.`location`, "count":a1.`count`, "sizelength":a1.`sizeLength`, "sizewidth":a1.`sizeWidth`, "sizeunit":a1.`sizeUnit`, "installdate":a1.`installDate`, "assetstatus":a1.`assetStatus`, "assetcondition":a1.`assetCondition`, "assetname":a1.`assetName`, "assetmaterial":a1.`assetMaterial`, "insulationlocation":a1.`insulationLocation`, "insulationtype":a1.`insulationType`, "insulationcondition":a1.`insulationCondition`, "glazingtype":a1.`glazingType`, "caulkingtype":a1.`caulkingType`, "caulkingcondition":a1.`caulkingCondition`, "weatherstrippingtype":a1.`weatherstrippingType`, "weatherstrippingcondition":a1.`weatherstrippingCondition`, "frametype":a1.`frameType`, "framecondition":a1.`frameCondition`, "additionalconditioncomments":a1.`additionalConditionComments`, "warranty":a1.`warranty`, "warrantystartdate":a1.`warrantyStartDate`, "warrantyenddate":a1.`warrantyEndDate`, "did":a1.`did`}


For a1 IN Asset_Envelop
 FILTER a1.updatedDate<@a1_updatedDate
 LIMIT 200, 100
 RETURN {"assetid":a1.`assetId`, "assetcategorylevel2":a1.`assetCategoryLevel2`, "assetcategorylevel3":a1.`assetCategoryLevel3`, "modelid":a1.`modelId`, "serialno":a1.`serialNo`, "manufacturer":a1.`

manufacturer`, "assetcategorylevel4":a1.`assetCategoryLevel4`, "locationid":a1.`locationId`, "thirdpartyid":a1.`thirdPartyId`, "measureid":a1.`measureId`, "inventoryyear":a1.`inventoryYear`, "manufacturedate":a1.`manufactureDate`, "location":a1.`location`, "count":a1.`count`, "sizelength":a1.`sizeLength`, "sizewidth":a1.`sizeWidth`, "sizeunit":a1.`sizeUnit`, "installdate":a1.`installDate`, "assetstatus":a1.`assetStatus`, "assetcondition":a1.`assetCondition`, "assetname":a1.`assetName`, "assetmaterial":a1.`assetMaterial`, "insulationlocation":a1.`insulationLocation`, "insulationtype":a1.`insulationType`, "insulationcondition":a1.`insulationCondition`, "glazingtype":a1.`glazingType`, "caulkingtype":a1.`caulkingType`, "caulkingcondition":a1.`caulkingCondition`, "weatherstrippingtype":a1.`weatherstrippingType`, "weatherstrippingcondition":a1.`weatherstrippingCondition`, "frametype":a1.`frameType`, "framecondition":a1.`frameCondition`, "additionalconditioncomments":a1.`additionalConditionComments`, "warranty":a1.`warranty`, "warrantystartdate":a1.`warrantyStartDate`, "warrantyenddate":a1.`warrantyEndDate`, "did":a1.`did`}


 The query performs paged query on database and returns limited results which works fine with large dataset also.