Showing posts with label Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Questions. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tell Me About Yourself - How to Answer Best way

Tell Me About Yourself / introduce yourself / Tell me something about yourself / tell me about yourself interview answers - Best Tricks To Answer the very common interview question.


“Tell me about yourself”.

The first Question in any job interview. This could be the most difficult question and disqualify you if you are not prepared for it.

Alternative forms of the question:

The interviewer can also ask you same questions in different ways like:
  • Tell me something about yourself.
  • Can you tell me a little about yourself?
  • Briefly introduce yourself.
  • Please tell us about your background.
  • How would you describe yourself?

Asked in every interviews:

In every job interview it is universal that you will be asked the question:

“Tell me about yourself”.

Regardless of your industry, experience level or job type your interviewer will come up with the question, most frequently the first question of the interview. Since it’s often the first question to be asked in an interview, it’s your big chance to make a first impression.

This question is an opportunity for you to set the tone of the job interview and emphasize the points that you most want this potential employer to know about you.

Interviewer's Expectations and Perspectives:

So what your interviewer’s want to know by asking this question?
  • His ultimate goal for this interview is to find out enough about you to decide if you’re a good fit for the job opening. In most cases, he wants to like you.
  • Can you communicate comfortably?
  • How potential candidate you are for the job?
  • How your experience is pertinent to the job description you're interviewing?

Some Common Mistakes:

Now, let us talk about some common mistakes not to make while answering the question:
  1. Don’t recitate your resume: Many candidates; respond by launching into a recitation of their resume; from the very beginning. This can turn into a very long monologue; that is probably the least relevant experience.
  2. Avoid talking about personal details or life story: Avoid mentioning personal information such as marital status, children, political or religious affiliations, etc. These can be highly sensitive topics that might work against you as a candidate. No one is interest on it.
  3. Don’t be too modest: Many candidates; make the mistake of being too modest. They reply with a humble or vague introduction; that fails to clearly communicate their strongest qualifications.

How to prepare yourself:

Now let us see some tips to prepare yourself:
  • Your answer should be focused on your Top Qualities, Skills, Experiences, Achievements, Distinct Extra curricular activities.
  • Short (usually than 1 minute, prepare for 2 minutes).
  • Write down your answer and print it.
  • Practice the answer again and again.

How to Answer:

Your answer should have three components:
  1. Who You Are: Concisely summarizes diverse background. Your first sentence should be an introduction to who you are professionally, an overview statement that shows off your strengths and gives a little sense of your personality too.
  2. Expertise Highlights: The emphasis here is on experience, enthusiasm, and proof of performance. Don’t assume that the interviewer has closely read your resume and knows your qualifications. Use your elevator pitch to briefly highlight 2-4 points that you think make you stand out.
  3. Why You’re Here: Concise and positive. End by telling them you want the position and why.

Sample Good Answers:

An experienced HR Manager can answer, like:-

“Well, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself.

I’m an innovative HR manager with 10 years of experience leading and managing all aspects of the Human Resource functions, — from recruiting to training to benefits — for large enterprises that have multi-cultural and diversified environment.

I have spent the last six years developing my skills as a customer service manager for Telenor Inc. where I have won several performance awards and been promoted twice. I love managing teams and solving customer problems.

Although I love my current role, I feel I’m now ready for a more challenging assignment and this position really excites me

An experienced software developer answers may be:

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity.

Well, I have more than five years of experience as a technical project manager at CMMI Level 5 certified Software Development companies.

In my current position I led the development of machine learning enabled IoT based Predictive Healthcare Information Management System and implemented in Savar, Bangladesh to keep track of health record of around 5000 villagers. This project won multiple awards along with national ICT award 2020.

I’m a person who thrives in a fast-paced environment and like to work for Health development. So, right now, I’m looking for an opportunity to apply my technical experience and my creative problem solving skills at an innovative software company that implement innovation in Health.

Practicing your answer over and over will be the key to success.

Best of luck.

Monday, July 22, 2019

C# Interview Questions with Answers part 2

1. To create a custom exception, which class is required to be inherited?
A) SystemException
B) System.Exception
C) System.Attribute
D) Enumerable

Ans. B

2. How do you throw an exception so the stack trace preserves the information?
A) throw;
B) throw new Exception();
C) throw ex;
D) return new Exception();

Ans. A

3. You need to reference a method which returns a Boolean value and accepts two int parameters. Which of the following delegates would you use?
A) Func<int, int, bool> func;
B) Action<int, int, bool> act;
C) Func<bool, int, int> func;
D) Action<bool, int, int> act;

Ans. A

4. Which of the following keywords is useful for ignoring the remaining code execution and quickly jumping to the next iteration of the loop?
A) break;
B) yield;
C) jump;
D) continue;

Ans. D

5. Which of the following loops is faster?
A) for
B) do
C) Parallel.for
D) foreach

Ans. C

6. await keyword can only be written with a method whose method signature has:
A) static keyword
B) async keyword
C) lock keyword
D) sealed keyword

 Ans. B

7. Which keyword is used to prevent a class from inheriting?
A) sealed
B) lock
C) const
D) static

Ans. A

8. When handling an exception, which block is useful to release resources?
A) try
B) catch
C) finally
D) lock

Ans. A

9. Which of following methods is accurate for holding the execution of a running task for a specific time?
A) Thread.Sleep()
B) Task.Delay()
C) Task.Wait()
D) Task.WaitAll()

Ans. B

10. Which of the following methods is useful for holding the execution of a main thread until all background tasks are executing?
A) Thread.Sleep()
B) Task.WaitAll()
C) Task.Wait()
D) Thread.Join()

Ans. B

11. How would you chain the execution of a task so that every next task runs when the previous task finishes its execution? Which method you would use?
A) task.ContinueWith()
B) Task.Wait()
C) Task.Run()
D) Thread.Join()

Ans. A

12. In a switch statement, which keyword would you use to write a code when no case value satisfies?
A) else
B) default
C) return
D) yield

Ans. B

13. Foreach loop can only run on:
A) anything
B) collection
C) const values
D) static values

Ans. B

14. Which keyword is useful for returning a single value from a method to the calling code?
A) yield
B) return
C) break
D) continue

Ans. B

15. Which of the following collections is a thread-safe?
A) Dictionary<K,V>
B) Stack<T>
C) ConcurrentDictionary<K,V>
D) Queue

Ans. C

16. When running a long-running asynchronous operation that returns a value, which keyword is used to wait and get the result?
A) await
B) yield
C) return
D) async

Ans. A

17. Which of the following is the right syntax for using an asynchronous lambda expression?
 A) Task task = async () => { ... };
B) Task<Task> task = async () => { ... };
C) Func<Task> task = async () => { ... };
D) Action<Task> task = async (t) => { ... };

Ans. C

18. Which property or method of task can be used as an alternative of the await keyword?
A) Result
B) Wait()
C) WaitAll()
D) Delay()

Ans. A

19. Suppose you’re creating an application that needs a delegate that can hold a reference of a method that can return bool and accept an integer parameter. How would you define that delegate?
A) delegate bool myDelegate(int i, int j);
B) delegate bool (int i, int j);
C) delegate myDelegate(int i, int j);
D) delegate bool myDelegate(int i);

Ans. A

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

C# Interview Questions with Answers

Common C# and .net Interview Questions

C# Interview Questions

1. Which of the following methods help us to convert string type data into integers? Select any two. 
A) Convert.toInt32();
B) Convert.Int32();
C) int.parse();

2. Suppose you’re implementing a method name “Show” that will be able to take an unlimited number of int arguments. How are you going to define its method signature? 
A) void Show(int[] arg)
B) void Show(params int[] arg)
C) void Show(int a)
D) void Show(ref int a

3. You need to use null-coalescing operator to make sure “name” variable must have a value not null. Select the right way to use null-coalescing operator in C#.

A) string name = n ?? “No Name”;
B) string name = “No Name” ?? null;
C) string name = “No Name” ? null;
D) string name = null ? “No Name”;

4. Which jump statement will you use to start the next iteration while skipping the current iteration of loop?
A) Break
B) Continue
C) Goto
D) Return

5. Which operator is used to compare types? 
A) as
B) is
C) this
D) ?


6. Which operator is used to get instance data inside type definition? 

A) as
B) is
C) this
D) ?

7. Which type cannot be instantiated? 

A) enum type
B) static type
C) class type
D) System.Object type

8. The following code is boxed into object 

o. double d = 34.5; 
object o = d;

You’re asked to cast “object o” into “int ”.
A) int i = (int)o;
B) int i = (int)(double)o;
C) int i = (int)(float)(double)o;
D) int i = (float)o;

9. Suppose you’re developing an application which stores a user’s browser history. Which collection class will help to retrieve information of the last visited page?
A) ArrayList
B) Queue
C) Stack
D) HashTable

10. Suppose you’re writing a class that needs a delegate who can refer a method(s) of two input string parameters and return an integer value. Choose the right delegate from the following options.
A) Action<int, string, string>
B) Func<string, string, int>
C) Predicate<int, string, string>
D) EventArgs<int, string, string>

11. You are implementing a method that creates an instance of a class named Person. The Person class contains a public event named Die. The following code segment defines the Die event:

Public event EventHandler Die;

You need to create an event handler for the Die event by using a lambda expression.

A) Person person = new Person();
     person.Die = (s, e) => { /*Method Body*/};
B) Person person = new Person();
     person.Die -= (s, e) => { /*Method Body*/};
C) Person person = new Person();
     person.Die += (s, e) => { /*Method Body*/};
D) Person person = new Person();
      person.Die += () => { /*Method Body*/}

12. Suppose you’re writing a method that has one input string parameter and it returns True if the value of the string input parameter is in upper case. Which of the following delegate(s) will you use to refer this method?
A) Action<bool, string>
B) Func<bool, string>
C) Predicate<string>
D) EventHandler

13. In order to perform a query, a data source must be implemented by: 
A) Enumerable or Queryable
B) Enumerable and Queryable
C) IEnumerable or IQueryable
D) IEnumerable and IQueryable

14. An application includes an object that performs a long-running process. You need to ensure that the garbage collector does not release the object's resources until the process completes.Which garbage collector method should you use?
A) WaitForFullGCComplete()
B) WaitForFullGCApproach()
C) KeepAlive() 
D) WaitForPendingFinalizers()

15. Suppose you're writing an application that uses unmanaged resource. You've implemented an IDisposable interface to manage the memory of unmanaged resource. When implementing Dispose method, which method should you use to prevent garbage collector from calling the object's finalizer? 
A) GC.SuppressFinalize(this)
B) GC.SuppressFinalize(true)
C) GC.WaitForFullGCApproach()
D) GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers()

16. You're instantiating an unmanaged resource; which of the following statements would you use to instantiate an unmanaged resource so that its Dispose method shall always call automatically? 
A) if-else{}
B) try/catch
C) using()
D) switch()

17. Which of the following methods is used to run a LINQ query in parallel? 
A) AsParallel();
B) RunParallel();
C) ToParallel();
D) Parallel();

18. How do you throw an exception to preserve stack-trace information? 
A) throw;
B) throw new Exception();
C) throw e;
D) return new Exception();

19. Suppose you’re developing an application that require that need to define its own custom exceptions. Which of the following class you’d inherit to create a custom exception? 
A) Attribute
B) Exception
C) IEnumerable
D) IEnumerator

20. You are developing an application that retrieves Person type data from the Internet using JSON. You have written the following function for receiving the data so far:


Which code segment should you use before this function?
A) DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Person));
B) DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Person));
C) JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
D) NetDataContractSerializer serializer = new NetDataContractSerializer();

21. You need to store a large amount of data in a file. Which serializer would you consider better?

A) XmlSerializer
B) DataContractSerializer
C) DataContractJsonSerializer
D) BinaryFormatter
E) JavaScriptSerializer

22. You want to serialize data in Binary format but some members don’t need to be serialized. Which attribute should you use?
A) XmlIgnore
B) NotSerialized
C) NonSerialized
D) Ignore 

23. You want to retrieve data from Microsoft Access 2013, which should be read-only. Which class you should use? 
A) SqlDataAdapter
B) DbDataAdapter
C) OleDbDataReader
D) SqlDataReader

24. Suppose you created the ASMX Web Service named SampleService. Which class you would use to create the proxy for this service? 

A) SampleServiceSoapClient
B) SampleService
C) SampleServiceClient
D) SampleServiceSoapProxy

25. The application needs to encrypt highly sensitive data. Which algorithm should you use? 
B) Aes
C) TripleDES
D) RC2

26. You are developing an application which transmits a large amount of data. You need to ensure the data integrity. Which algorithm should you use? 
C) Aes
D) RNGCryptoServiceProvider

27. Salt Hashing is done by: 
A) Merging data with random value and perform cryptography.
B) Merging data with random value and perform cryptanalysis.
C) Merging data with random value and perform encryption.
D) Merging data with random value and perform hashing.

28. Which of the following methods is used for getting the information of the current assembly? 
A) Assembly. GetExecutingAssembly();
B) Assembly.GetExecutedAssembly();
C) Assembly.GetCurrentAssembly();
D) Assembly.ExecutingAssembly();

29. Which class should you preferably use for tracing in Release Mode? 
A) Debug
B) Trace
C) TraceSource
D) All of the above

30. Which method is the easiest way of finding the problem if you have no idea what it is? 
A) Using Profiler
B) Profiling by Hand
C) Using Performance Counter
D) Debugging

1: A, C
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. A
16. C
17. A
18. A
19. B
20. C
21. D
22. C
23. C
24. A
25. B
26. B
27. D
28. A
29. C
30. A