Monday, July 1, 2019

What are the usage of Data Analytics?

Usage of Data Analytics

Broadly, predictive analytics can be used to:

1. Description: Provide an overview and summary of the existing state of the world. For example: what is the average age of our customers?How much do they spend, on average, each time they buy? What is the distribution of amounts spent? etc.

2. Comparison: is group A different in some meaningful way from group B, and if so, in what way and by how much? Examples: Do men spend more than women? Does one advertisement work better than others?

3. Clustering / Grouping / Co-occurrence: Group together things that are “similar” according to some definition of “similar”. Example: Are there groups of customers with similar buying/purchase habits? If you know some marketing, cluster analysis is what is used to divide customers into “segments”.

4. Classification: assign a probability that something belongs to 1 of several mutually exclusive classes. Example: Is this credit card trans-action fraudulent? (A: probability Yes/No) Will this person donate to my charity? (A: probability Yes/No) Is this person suffering from a heart attack, or some other mimic condition? (A: probability of Attack)

5. Prediction: predict the most likely value of a continuous variable.Example: what will sales be next quarter? How much will this group of customers spend over the next year? What will be the market share of our new product?

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