Wednesday, April 19, 2023

How do you handle errors and exceptions in a .NET Core Web API?

Handling errors and exceptions in a .NET Core Web API is an essential aspect of building a robust and reliable application. 

Here are some ways to handle errors and exceptions in a .NET Core Web API:

  1. Use try-catch blocks: Wrap your code in a try-catch block to handle exceptions that occur during runtime. You can catch specific exceptions or handle all exceptions in a catch-all block.
  2. Use middleware: Use middleware to handle exceptions that occur during request processing. Middleware can be used to catch and log exceptions or return an appropriate HTTP response to the client.
  3. Use exception filters: Exception filters allow you to handle exceptions that occur during the execution of an action method. You can create custom exception filters that catch specific exceptions and return appropriate error responses.
  4. Use global error handling: Global error handling can be implemented using the UseExceptionHandler middleware. This middleware catches any unhandled exceptions that occur in the pipeline and returns an appropriate error response.
  5. Use logging: Use a logging framework such as Serilog or NLog to log exceptions and errors. This helps in diagnosing issues and improving the application's reliability.
  6. Return appropriate error responses: When an error occurs, return an appropriate HTTP response to the client. This includes setting the HTTP status code and providing a meaningful error message.
  7. Use health checks: Implement health checks to monitor the application's status and ensure that it is functioning correctly. This helps in detecting issues before they become critical.
By implementing these strategies, you can handle errors and exceptions in a .NET Core Web API and improve its reliability and resilience.

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