Showing posts with label .NET Core. Show all posts
Showing posts with label .NET Core. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

What are the different types of HTTP requests and how do you handle them in a .NET Core Web API?

There are several types of HTTP requests that a client can send to a web API, including:

  1. GET: Retrieves information or data from the server.
  2. POST: Submits data to the server to create a new resource.
  3. PUT: Updates an existing resource on the server.
  4. DELETE: Removes a resource from the server.
  5. PATCH: Partially updates a resource on the server.

In a .NET Core Web API, you can handle these HTTP requests by defining controller actions that correspond to each request type. For example, to handle a GET request, you would define a controller action that returns the requested data. To handle a POST request, you would define a controller action that accepts the data and creates a new resource.

You can use the HTTP attributes in ASP.NET Core to specify the HTTP method that the controller action handles. For example, to handle a GET request, you would decorate the action with the [HttpGet] attribute, and to handle a POST request, you would decorate the action with the [HttpPost] attribute.

Here's an example of handling a GET request in a .NET Core Web API:

public IActionResult Get()
    // Get the data from the server
    var data = GetData();

    // Return the data as a JSON response
    return Json(data);

And here's an example of handling a POST request:

public IActionResult Post([FromBody] MyModel model)
    // Save the new resource to the server

    // Return a success response
    return Ok();

In these examples, GetData() and SaveData() are placeholder methods that handle the actual data retrieval and storage. The Json() and Ok() methods return a JSON response and a 200 OK response, respectively.


How do you handle errors and exceptions in a .NET Core Web API?

Handling errors and exceptions in a .NET Core Web API is an essential aspect of building a robust and reliable application. 

Here are some ways to handle errors and exceptions in a .NET Core Web API:

  1. Use try-catch blocks: Wrap your code in a try-catch block to handle exceptions that occur during runtime. You can catch specific exceptions or handle all exceptions in a catch-all block.
  2. Use middleware: Use middleware to handle exceptions that occur during request processing. Middleware can be used to catch and log exceptions or return an appropriate HTTP response to the client.
  3. Use exception filters: Exception filters allow you to handle exceptions that occur during the execution of an action method. You can create custom exception filters that catch specific exceptions and return appropriate error responses.
  4. Use global error handling: Global error handling can be implemented using the UseExceptionHandler middleware. This middleware catches any unhandled exceptions that occur in the pipeline and returns an appropriate error response.
  5. Use logging: Use a logging framework such as Serilog or NLog to log exceptions and errors. This helps in diagnosing issues and improving the application's reliability.
  6. Return appropriate error responses: When an error occurs, return an appropriate HTTP response to the client. This includes setting the HTTP status code and providing a meaningful error message.
  7. Use health checks: Implement health checks to monitor the application's status and ensure that it is functioning correctly. This helps in detecting issues before they become critical.
By implementing these strategies, you can handle errors and exceptions in a .NET Core Web API and improve its reliability and resilience.

What are the benefits of using dependency injection in a .NET Core Web API?

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern that promotes loose coupling between the components of an application by removing the responsibility of creating and managing dependencies from the consuming class and delegating it to an external entity. In .NET Core Web API, dependency injection is a fundamental part of the framework, and it offers the following benefits:

  1. Testability: With dependency injection, you can easily replace dependencies with mock objects during unit testing, making it easier to test the individual components of the application in isolation.
  2. Loose coupling: By removing the responsibility of creating and managing dependencies from the consuming class, you can achieve loose coupling between the components of the application, making it easier to change the implementation of a particular dependency without affecting other parts of the application.
  3. Maintainability: By delegating the responsibility of managing dependencies to an external entity, you can make the application more maintainable and easier to modify.
  4. Scalability: Dependency injection makes it easier to scale the application by allowing you to replace or add new dependencies as the requirements of the application change.
  5. Reusability: With dependency injection, you can create reusable components that can be shared across multiple parts of the application.

In .NET Core Web API, you can implement dependency injection by using the built-in DI container or by using a third-party container like Autofac or Ninject. The DI container is responsible for creating and managing the dependencies of the application and injecting them into the consuming classes. You can configure the DI container by registering the dependencies and specifying their lifetimes. Once the dependencies are registered, they can be injected into the controllers, services, or other components of the application using constructor injection, property injection, or method injection.

How do you implement versioning in a .NET Core Web API?

API versioning is an important feature in any Web API. It allows clients to make requests to different versions of the API, and it also allows for the gradual rollout of new features.

In .NET Core, you can implement API versioning using the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning NuGet package. Here's how you can implement API versioning in your .NET Core Web API:

1. Install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning NuGet package

Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning 

2. In the Startup.cs file, add the following code to the ConfigureServices method:

services.AddApiVersioning(options =>
    options.DefaultApiVersion = new ApiVersion(1, 0);
    options.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
    options.ReportApiVersions = true;

This code sets the default API version to 1.0, assumes the default version when it is not specified in the request, and reports the available API versions in the response.

3. In the Startup.cs file, add the following code to the Configure method:


This code adds API versioning middleware to the request pipeline.

4. In the controllers where you want to use versioning, add the [ApiVersion] attribute to the class or method:

public class MyController : ControllerBase
    // ...

This code sets the version number for the controller to 1.0 and adds the version number to the route.

Now, you can use the Accept-Version header or the version query parameter in the request to specify the API version you want to use. For example, to use version 1.0 of the MyController, you can make a request to /api/v1.0/mycontroller.

This is a simple way to implement API versioning in your .NET Core Web API.

What is an asynchronous controller action, and how do you implement it in .NET Core?

An asynchronous controller action is a type of controller action in .NET Core that uses asynchronous programming to improve performance and scalability.

Normally, when you make a synchronous call to a controller action, the request thread is blocked until the action has completed processing. In contrast, an asynchronous controller action does not block the request thread while waiting for the action to complete. Instead, it frees up the thread to handle other requests while the action is processing.

To implement an asynchronous controller action in .NET Core, you can use the async and await keywords. Here's an example:

public async Task<IActionResult> MyAsyncAction()
    // Perform asynchronous operation
    var result = await SomeAsyncOperation();

    // Return action result
    return Ok(result);

In this example, the MyAsyncAction method is marked with the async keyword and returns a Task<IActionResult>. This indicates that the method is asynchronous and returns a Task that represents the asynchronous operation. The await keyword is used to asynchronously wait for the result of the SomeAsyncOperation method, freeing up the request thread to handle other requests. Once the operation is complete, the action returns an IActionResult that represents the result of the action.

It's important to note that not all operations can be made asynchronous, and in some cases, making an operation asynchronous can actually decrease performance. Asynchronous programming should be used judiciously, and only for operations that truly benefit from it.

What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming in .NET Core?

Synchronous programming refers to the traditional way of executing code where the execution happens in a sequential and blocking manner. The program execution waits for each operation to complete before proceeding to the next operation.

Asynchronous programming, on the other hand, enables the program to execute multiple operations simultaneously without blocking the program execution. This allows for better utilization of system resources and can result in better performance.

In .NET Core, synchronous programming can be achieved using traditional constructs such as method calls, loops, and conditional statements. Asynchronous programming is typically implemented using async/await keywords and tasks, which allow for non-blocking execution of operations.

By using asynchronous programming, long-running tasks such as accessing a database or calling an external service can be executed in the background while other operations continue. This results in a more responsive and efficient application.

However, it's important to note that asynchronous programming can also introduce complexity and increase the likelihood of errors if not implemented correctly. It's important to understand the principles of asynchronous programming and best practices when using it in .NET Core applications.

What is JSON, and how do you serialize and deserialize it in .NET Core?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. It is commonly used for transmitting data between a client and a server over the web.

In .NET Core, you can use the System.Text.Json namespace to serialize and deserialize JSON. Here's an example:

using System.Text.Json;

// Serialize an object to JSON
var person = new Person { Name = "John Smith", Age = 30 };
var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(person);

// Deserialize JSON to an object
var person2 = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Person>(json);

public class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

In the above code, we first create a Person object and serialize it to JSON using the JsonSerializer.Serialize method. We then deserialize the JSON back to a Person object using the JsonSerializer.Deserialize method.

Note that the Person class must have public properties with getter and setter methods for the serialization and deserialization to work.


What is a NuGet package and how can you publish your .net core project as NuGet Package?

A NuGet package is a collection of code, assets, and other files that can be easily shared and distributed in .NET Core projects. It provides a way to easily manage dependencies and include third-party libraries in your project.

To publish your .NET Core project as a NuGet package, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a .nuspec file: The .nuspec file is an XML file that contains information about your package, such as its name, version, description, and dependencies. You can create this file manually or use the dotnet pack command to generate it automatically.
  2. Build your project: Use the dotnet build command to build your project and generate the necessary artifacts.
  3. Create the NuGet package: Use the dotnet pack command to create the NuGet package. This command will generate a .nupkg file that contains your project's code and assets, as well as the .nuspec file.
  4. Publish the NuGet package: You can publish the package to a public or private NuGet repository, such as or your own NuGet server. You can use the dotnet nuget push command to publish your package.

After publishing your package, other developers can easily include it in their projects by adding it as a dependency in their project file. They can use the dotnet restore command to download and install the package and its dependencies.

What is a NuGet package and how do you use it in a .NET Core project?

A NuGet package is a software package that contains code, binaries, and other assets that can be easily consumed and integrated into .NET Core projects. NuGet packages are essentially a way to share and distribute reusable code across different .NET projects.

To use a NuGet package in a .NET Core project, you can use the NuGet Package Manager built into Visual Studio or the dotnet CLI command line tool. The NuGet Package Manager allows you to search for and install packages from the NuGet Gallery, a public repository of open source packages.

Once you've installed a package, you can add a reference to it in your project's code. This makes the package's classes, methods, and other components available for use in your project. You can also configure the package by setting its properties, adding additional dependencies, or customizing its behavior.

NuGet packages are a powerful tool for developers, allowing them to easily incorporate existing code and functionality into their projects, rather than having to reinvent the wheel for every new project.

What is a host in .NET Core and how does it relate to an application?

In .NET Core, a host is responsible for managing an application's lifecycle and providing services such as dependency injection, configuration, and logging. The host is responsible for setting up and running the application, and it manages the application's resources such as threads, memory, and I/O.

There are two types of hosts in .NET Core: the generic host and the web host. The generic host is used for console applications and services, while the web host is used for web applications.

The generic host provides a set of built-in services, such as configuration, logging, and dependency injection, that can be used to configure and run the application. The web host builds on top of the generic host and provides additional services for web applications, such as HTTP request processing and routing.

The host is typically created in the application's entry point, such as the Program.cs file in a .NET Core console application. The host can be configured using a builder pattern, where services and middleware are added to the host using extension methods. Once the host is configured, it can be started by calling the Run() method on the host. The host will then run the application until it is stopped or terminated.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

What is a background task in .NET Core and how do you implement one?

In .NET Core, a background task is a long-running operation that executes asynchronously in the background while the main application continues to execute other tasks. Background tasks are typically used for operations that do not need to be executed in the foreground or in response to user input, but instead, can run continuously or periodically.

To implement a background task in .NET Core, you can use the BackgroundService class. This is an abstract base class that provides a framework for creating long-running background tasks. To create a background task, you need to derive a class from BackgroundService and implement the ExecuteAsync method.

Here is an example of a simple background task that logs a message to the console every 5 seconds:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class MyBackgroundService : BackgroundService
    private readonly ILogger<MyBackgroundService> _logger;

    public MyBackgroundService(ILogger<MyBackgroundService> logger)
        _logger = logger;

    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
        while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
            _logger.LogInformation("Background task is running...");

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), stoppingToken);

In this example, the ExecuteAsync method contains a while loop that runs indefinitely until the cancellation token is requested. Within the loop, a log message is written to the console and then a delay of 5 seconds is used to pause the background task before running again.

To start the background task, you can register it with the .NET Core dependency injection system and add it to the list of hosted services:

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public static class Program
    public static async Task Main(string[] args)
        var hostBuilder = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
            .ConfigureServices(services =>

        await hostBuilder.RunConsoleAsync();

Once the application is started, the background task will run continuously until the application is stopped or the cancellation token is requested.

How do you use HttpClient in .NET Core to make HTTP requests to external APIs?

In .NET Core, you can use the HttpClient class to make HTTP requests to external APIs. Here are the basic steps to use HttpClient:

1. Create an instance of the HttpClient class:

HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

2. Create a HttpRequestMessage object to specify the HTTP method, URL, headers, and body (if applicable):

HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage();
request.Method = HttpMethod.Get;
request.RequestUri = new Uri("");
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer {access_token}");

3. Send the HTTP request using the SendAsync method of the HttpClient object:

HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request);

4. Process the HTTP response:

if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    // Process the response body
    string errorMessage = $"HTTP error: {response.StatusCode}";
    // Handle the error

Note that HttpClient is disposable, so you should dispose of it when you're done using it. Also, you should consider using the using statement to ensure that the HttpClient is disposed of properly.

What is Swagger and how do you use it to document a RESTful API in .NET Core?

Swagger is an open-source tool that helps developers to design, build, and document RESTful APIs. Swagger provides a user interface that allows developers to interact with the API and explore its resources and operations. It also generates documentation for the API, including details such as resource paths, request/response formats, and data models.

In .NET Core, Swagger can be integrated using the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore package. To use Swashbuckle.AspNetCore, you need to follow these steps:

1. Install the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore package using the NuGet Package Manager or the Package Manager Console.

2. In the Startup.cs file, add the following lines to the ConfigureServices method:

services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
    c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "My API", Version = "v1" });


3. In the same file, add the following lines to the Configure method:

app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
    c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "My API V1");


4. Run the application and navigate to http://localhost:<port>/swagger to view the Swagger UI.


You can customize the Swagger documentation by adding attributes to your API controllers and actions. For example, you can add the [ProducesResponseType] attribute to specify the expected response type for an action. You can also add XML comments to your code to provide additional documentation for the API.

Overall, using Swagger to document your API can help to improve its usability and reduce the amount of time required to write and maintain documentation.

What is a RESTful API and how do you implement one in .NET Core?

A RESTful API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface) is a way of providing a standardized interface for interacting with web resources using the HTTP protocol. The basic idea is to use HTTP verbs (such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on resources represented by URLs.

In .NET Core, you can implement a RESTful API using the ASP.NET Core framework. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Create a new ASP.NET Core web application project.
  2. Add a new controller class to the project.
  3. In the controller class, add action methods for each of the CRUD operations you want to support.
  4. Use HTTP verbs to map the action methods to URLs.
  5. Use model binding to extract data from the request.
  6. Use the IActionResult return type to send responses to the client.

For example, here is a simple controller that implements a RESTful API for managing a list of tasks:

public class TasksController : ControllerBase
    private readonly List<Task> _tasks;

    public TasksController()
        _tasks = new List<Task>();

    public IActionResult Get()
        return Ok(_tasks);

    public IActionResult Create(Task task)
        return Ok();

    public IActionResult Update(int id, Task task)
        var existingTask = _tasks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == id);
        if (existingTask == null)
            return NotFound();

        existingTask.Title = task.Title;
        existingTask.Description = task.Description;
        existingTask.DueDate = task.DueDate;

        return Ok();

    public IActionResult Delete(int id)
        var existingTask = _tasks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == id);
        if (existingTask == null)
            return NotFound();


        return Ok();

In this example, the [ApiController] attribute specifies that this is a controller for an API, and the [Route("api/[controller]")] attribute specifies that the URL for this controller will start with "/api/tasks". The Get(), Create(), Update(), and Delete() methods correspond to the HTTP verbs GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, respectively. The HttpPost and HttpPut methods use model binding to extract data from the request, and the IActionResult return type is used to send responses to the client.


How do you use GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment with .NET Core?

GitHub Actions is a powerful tool for implementing continuous integration and deployment workflows. Here are the basic steps for using GitHub Actions with .NET Core:
  1. Create a GitHub repository for your .NET Core project and push your code to it.
  2. Create a new workflow file (e.g. dotnet-core.yml) in the .github/workflows directory of your repository.
  3. Define the triggers for the workflow (e.g. push, pull_request) and the operating system (e.g. Ubuntu, Windows) you want to use for your builds.
  4. Set up your build and test steps in the jobs section of your workflow file. For example, you might use the dotnet CLI to restore dependencies, build the project, and run tests.
  5. Add deployment steps to your workflow file if you want to deploy your application after successful builds. You can use tools like Azure Web Apps or Docker containers to deploy your .NET Core application.
  6. Commit and push your changes to your repository to trigger the GitHub Action.

GitHub Actions provides a wide range of pre-built actions for common tasks like building, testing, and deploying .NET Core applications. You can also create your own custom actions if you need more specialized functionality.

In addition to GitHub Actions, there are other popular CI/CD tools that can be used with .NET Core, including Azure DevOps, Jenkins, and Travis CI. The specific steps for using these tools will depend on the tool itself and how it integrates with .NET Core.

How do you use Azure DevOps for continuous integration and deployment with .NET Core?

Azure DevOps is a cloud-based platform that provides a suite of tools for managing the application development lifecycle. It includes features for source control, build and release pipelines, testing, and project management. In this context, continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) refers to the process of automatically building, testing, and deploying code changes to a target environment. This can be achieved by setting up pipelines in Azure DevOps that execute these tasks automatically upon the occurrence of a certain trigger, such as a code commit or a pull request.

To use Azure DevOps for CI/CD with .NET Core, you can follow these general steps:

  • Set up your source control repository in Azure DevOps. This can be done by creating a new project and repository or importing an existing one.
  • Create a build pipeline that will build your .NET Core application. This pipeline can include tasks such as restoring packages, building the application, and running tests. You can use the pre-built templates for .NET Core applications or create a custom pipeline based on your requirements.
  • Create a release pipeline that will deploy your .NET Core application to your target environment. This pipeline can include tasks such as deploying to a Docker container, deploying to Azure App Service, or deploying to a Kubernetes cluster. Again, you can use the pre-built templates or create a custom pipeline based on your requirements.
  • Configure triggers for your pipelines. You can set up triggers to automatically start a pipeline upon the occurrence of a certain event, such as a code commit or a pull request. This ensures that changes are automatically built, tested, and deployed as they are introduced.
  • Monitor your pipelines. Azure DevOps provides tools for monitoring the status of your pipelines, such as build and release logs, test results, and metrics. You can use this information to troubleshoot issues and optimize your pipeline performance.

Overall, using Azure DevOps for CI/CD with .NET Core can help automate the process of building, testing, and deploying your applications, leading to faster development cycles and more reliable software.

What is Kubernetes and how do you use it with .NET Core?

Kubernetes is an open-source platform that automates container orchestration. It provides a way to manage and deploy containerized applications across multiple hosts, allowing for scalability and reliability. In a Kubernetes environment, a cluster of nodes work together to run containers, and Kubernetes manages the placement, scaling, and updating of those containers.

To use Kubernetes with .NET Core, you first need to package your application in a Docker container, as Kubernetes uses Docker images to deploy applications. Once you have your Docker image, you can create a Kubernetes deployment, which describes how to create and manage a set of pods that will run your application. You can also create Kubernetes services, which provide a way to access your application from outside the cluster.

In addition, you can use Kubernetes to manage the scaling and updating of your application. For example, you can set up Kubernetes to automatically scale up the number of pods running your application if traffic increases, or to roll out new versions of your application in a controlled and gradual manner.

To work with Kubernetes in .NET Core, you can use the Kubernetes client libraries, which provide a way to interact with the Kubernetes API from your .NET code. There are several Kubernetes client libraries available for .NET, including the official Kubernetes client library for .NET and the Fabric8 Kubernetes client library for .NET. These libraries provide a way to create, read, update, and delete Kubernetes resources from your .NET code, as well as to interact with the Kubernetes API server directly.

How do you create a Docker container for a .NET Core application?

To create a Docker container for a .NET Core application, follow these steps:

1. First, create a Dockerfile in the root directory of your .NET Core application. A Dockerfile is a text file that contains instructions for Docker to build the image for the container. Here is an example Dockerfile for a .NET Core application:

# Use the official .NET Core runtime image as a base
FROM AS base

# Copy the published files from the build stage
COPY bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/publish/ .

# Set the entry point for the container
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MyApp.dll"]

2. In the same directory as the Dockerfile, run the following command to build the Docker image:

docker build -t myapp .

This command will create a Docker image called "myapp" based on the instructions in the Dockerfile.

3. Once the Docker image is built, you can run a container based on that image using the following command:

docker run -p 8080:80 myapp

This command will start a new container from the "myapp" image and map port 8080 on the host machine to port 80 in the container.

Your .NET Core application is now running in a Docker container.

How do you use health checks in .NET Core?

In .NET Core, you can use health checks to monitor the health of your application's dependencies and components, such as databases, external services, and disk space. Health checks can help you quickly identify issues and troubleshoot problems before they cause downtime.

To use health checks in .NET Core, you can add the Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks NuGet package to your project. Then, you can define your health checks by creating classes that implement the IHealthCheck interface. The IHealthCheck interface has a single CheckHealthAsync method that returns a Task<HealthCheckResult>.

Here's an example of a custom health check that checks the status of a database:

public class DatabaseHealthCheck : IHealthCheck
    private readonly IDbConnection _dbConnection;

    public DatabaseHealthCheck(IDbConnection dbConnection)
        _dbConnection = dbConnection;

    public async Task<HealthCheckResult> CheckHealthAsync(
        HealthCheckContext context,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            await _dbConnection.OpenAsync(cancellationToken);
        catch (Exception ex)
            return HealthCheckResult.Unhealthy("Database connection failed", ex);

        return HealthCheckResult.Healthy();

Once you have defined your health checks, you can register them with the IHealthChecksBuilder in the ConfigureServices method of your Startup class:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

This registers the DatabaseHealthCheck as a health check named "database". You can then use the UseHealthChecks method in your app.UseEndpoints configuration to map the health check endpoint to a specific URL:

app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

This maps the health check endpoint to /health. You can then make requests to /health to get a JSON response that indicates the status of your application's health checks.

How do you implement error handling in .NET Core?

In .NET Core, you can implement error handling in several ways:

1. Using try-catch blocks: This is the most basic way of handling errors in .NET Core. You can use try-catch blocks to catch exceptions that are thrown by your code.

    // Code that might throw an exception
catch (Exception ex)
    // Handle the exception

2. Using middleware: Middleware is a component in the ASP.NET Core pipeline that can intercept HTTP requests and responses. You can write middleware to catch exceptions and handle them.

public class ErrorHandlingMiddleware
    private readonly RequestDelegate _next;

    public ErrorHandlingMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
        _next = next;

    public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
            await _next(context);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Handle the exception

3. Using filters: Filters are components in the ASP.NET Core pipeline that can be used to implement cross-cutting concerns such as error handling. You can write an action filter to catch exceptions and handle them.

public class ErrorHandlingFilter : IActionFilter, IOrderedFilter
    public int Order { get; set; }

    public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)

    public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
        if (context.Exception != null)
            // Handle the exception
            context.ExceptionHandled = true;

You can register the middleware or filter in the Startup.cs file:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)

    // OR

    app.UseMvc(routes =>
            name: "default",
            template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
    }).UseFilters(filters =>
        filters.Add(new ErrorHandlingFilter());